Van Drie


Van Drie b.v., with an office in Mijdrecht (NL), is responsible for the purchase and selection of calves for the Dutch calf husbandry sector and maintains contracts with veal farmers.

The calves, which originate in the dairy farming sector, are placed with veal farmers with whom VanDrie Group has worked for many years. The technical specialists from Van Drie b.v. then assist the veal farmers in the areas of animal welfare, feed and stable configuration.

All veal farmers must fulfil the requirements and checks relating to the Vitaal Kalf (Fit Calf) quality assurance system. This system covers requirements regarding animal welfare, animal medicine use and registration, hygiene in relation to the use of antibiotics and the reduction of antibiotic usage, identification & registration, pest control, drinking water quality, and checks on banned substances. We thus work with the famer to realise the best results for the calves and the chain.

In short

75 employees

1,100 veal farmers

60% of the calves come from the Netherlands

Van Drie

P.O. Box 159

3640 AD Mijdrecht

Nijverheidsweg 13-15

3641 RP Mijdrecht