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Activists arrested at Ekro

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On Sunday evening, 12 September, activists raided veal production company Ekro, part of the VanDrie Group, in Apeldoorn. The activists subsequently chained themselves up in production areas. Due to effective police action, all 82 activists were removed from the premises in an orderly manner in the early morning of 13 September and arrested. Ekro has filed a complaint. The activists comprise a group of international anarchists who are opposed to animal husbandry.

“It is in our nature to conduct nuanced and constructive discussions, even with those with a different opinion. This occupation goes against everything we consider normal and reasonable. It is outrageously impertinent and highly illegal”, said the spokesperson for the VanDrie Group.

Ekro has inspected the entire company. Other than damage to security gates and fencing, no damage appears to have been done to the production areas or any produce still inside. The company will thus commence production 'as normal' this morning.

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