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Fit staff at Navobi and Alpuro: Consciously Better

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Vitality, sustainable employability, increased workloads, an ageing population - all very relevant topics that are being talked about in many companies. As they are at the VanDrie Group. But how do you implement a vitality policy that staff in an organisation can really get behind? Just over a year ago, staff at Navobi and Alpuro, two feed businesses within the group, were asked to take part in a survey. The results revealed that there was a desire among the employees for better advice and support with respect to their lifestyle choices. With the project ‘Bewust naar Beter’ (‘Consciously Better’) this desire is now being actively fulfilled.  

Roelinda Noorderink, HR & Office Manager at Navobi and Alpuro, talks about the project: “Fitness is a broad term and we’ve tried to include all the various aspects in the project. The most important thing, though, was for all employees to feel heard. The companies therefore set up a focus group and a conscious choice was made to invite staff from all the different departments to take part and think about how the project should be implemented and what issues and subjects it should cover. Today, staff at Navobi and Alpuro are already finding out what ‘Consciously Better’ is all about. Johan: “We’ve attracted a coach to advise us on nutrition and exercise. And we look specifically at mental health, too. Do employees dare say, ‘No,’ for instance? We raise awareness about issues such as these so that employees can strike the right balance and stay motivated. The project encompasses a whole lot more than workshops and education. Every fortnight, staff can participate in a serious boot camp on the premises. In addition to health, the project also covers topics such as safety in the workplace, quality and collegiality. “Ultimately, we want everybody who works here to feel happy and at home. If they don’t, we make every effort to ensure that they will. The project ‘Consciously Better’ is a part of that, but at the same time it is an effort to which we all contribute.”

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